Winority Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 09574864.
When you sign up for Winority, we request at a minimum that you give us your name and email address. If you sign up using Facebook, we will get those details from them.
You may also choose to give us further personal information to improve the service that we can provide, including:
When you access our website, we receive and store information about your visit. This includes:
Your information is stored securely on our London-based server and is used by us to provide services to you, including:
In addition, we use some of this information in aggregate to:
By submitting your information to us, you agree to these uses.
We will never give your information to a third party, unless:
The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to access information held about you. It also allows us to charge a fee to cover our costs of providing that information to you.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, you can contact us by email at